Thursday, October 26, 2006

wish list

it doesn't have to be my birthday and christmas is so far away, but it's nice to wish out loud

book wish list
neil gaiman's fragile things
nick hornby's a long way down and the complete polysyllabic spree
marianne robinson's gilead
kazuo ishiguro's when we were orphans
haruki murakami's wind up bird chronicles

music wish list
the dawn's tulad ng dati
rivermaya's isang ugat isang dugo
chris botti's to love again

other stuff wish list
moleskin notebook
gift certificate to sm to buy "professional" looking clothes
a million pesos to jumpstart my dream

'in dreams begin responsibility'...If there was no power to imagine no responsibility can arise."
- Yates and Murakami


Anonymous said...

and what is that dream that needs a million pesos? :)

Anonymous said...

hey! you got Chris Botti's To Love Again!