Friday, February 09, 2007

resolution # 423

"i think i've let myself make a fool of myself long enough
so as of today, february 8, 2007, 11:32PM, i am reverting back to the cynical, hopeless unromantic persona and veering away from the lovestruck, lovesick and foolish high school girl ghost that seemed to have temporarily taken over my body the past few weeks"

as i stand on the balcony and stare at that freakishly large moon that just begs to be looked at and i see the wisps of smoke obscure my already teary eyes, this is the resolution that i have come up with. i don't want to be reduced to one of those women that i used to look at with a mixture of pity and disdain

so i am putting my foot down on myself and hoping that this becomes one resolution i stick with


Anonymous said...

hugs. im with you girl ;)

Anonymous said...

can't we be both? :P

April said...

that goes to say...uhm... i guess he's not meant to be?