a great way to start the week
i got locked in our bathroom for an hour this morning
put it down to one of those "what the crap was i thinking?" moments
it's already been clearly established by my housemates that our bathroom door is broken. and i was clearly warned not to lock that door, lest i get locked inside
but sure enough, as i sleepily trudged to the bathroom early this morning, i heard the inevitable click of the door and it slowly dawned on me that i was locked in, at 530 in the morning, and with one housemate away in Negros, and one away in dreamland.
if this had happened to me months ago, i would have just sat on the bowl and bawled my eyes out, then waited for my housemate to eventually wake up at around 7am
but this time around, i resolved to solve this stupid problem on my own. and true enough, the adage "kung di mo makuha sa santong dasalan, kunin sa santong pwersahan" (or something like that) proved true
it might not be a big deal for you, but for me it is a breakthrough
well, i'm glad for your breakthrough. :)
Wha...there was a rusty saw readily available in your bathroom? Hehe.
I'd love to be locked inside a bathroom. I have an excuse not to go to work. But I'd have to lock myself in with a book.
uh oh. does this mean you're going to strongarm everything from now on? =0
yes, i will declare this year as my season of breakthroughs
it's my dream to have a library inside my WC (now you know what it means diba? hehe)
nah. sometimes pa cute-ing my way out of situations is still the best way to go
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